A Day at Dottke
Dottke PBL High School is a deeper learning community. Students at Dottke have the same requirements for graduation as our district’s comprehensive high schools, but a student’s core course work is infused with the deeper learning competencies. A Dottke graduate has learned how to communicate effectively, collaborate with others, be self directed in their learning, and has developed an academic mindset.
There are two types of students that attend Dottke: full-time enrollment or dual enrollment with Nathan Hale or Central High School.
Students who are dual enrolled have an 80/20 split in their schedule, attending two classes at the start or end of their day at Hale or Central and the majority of their day at Dottke. Examples of classes that students take as dual enrolled include orchestra, band, choir, woodworking, metals, and/or AP classes. Because of our size, Dottke is unable to offer all of the electives of a comprehensive high school, so we work with Hale/Central to meet the class needs of every student.
At Dottke, we do this differently. District and state academic standards are met, but we accomplish them in a different, more student-centered and non-traditional way. We are proud to offer classes that allow students to deep-dive into content with topics that are exciting for both them and our teachers. Some examples of classes in subject areas that accomplish district and state academic standards are:
Creative Writing (Writers Workshop)
World Mythology (Genres of Literature)
Multicultural Literature (English 9-12)
Feminist Literature (English 9-12)
Dungeons & Dragons (Writers Workshop)
Dramatists (Genres of Literature)
Social Studies:
How History Repeats Itself (US History)
Algebra II
Bees! (Environmental Science)
Astronomy (Integrated Science)
Anatomy & Physiology
Phoenix Graphics (Intro to Business)
Bikes, Bikes, Bikes (PE/Outdoor Adventure)
Arts (Art Foundations, Global Arts & Culture)
Culinary (World Food, Family Foods, Advanced Culinary, Phoenix Cafe)
Food Science
Life Hacks (Independent Living)
CREW is similar to Advisory/Homeroom at the comprehensive high schools. Students meet with their CREW groups 3 times per week to work on things like:
- Community Building
- Community Volunteer Work
- Academic Intervention and Support
- Social and Emotional Learning/Skills
- ACT Prep
- Post-Secondary Planning
- Design Thinking and Challenges
- Exhibition Night Preparation and Reflection
Students earn .25 elective credit per semester for Crew.
Instead of the traditional 3 days of final exams at comprehensive high school, Dottke PBL High School holds an Exhibition Night twice per year where EVERY student is required to share their learning from that semester in some form of a project. The entire WAWM community is invited to share with and celebrate our student’s learning and it is a powerful and empowering experience for our students.
Here’s a look at what it’s like:
Other examples of ways students can share their learning may include: